PsiFS: Frequently Asked Questions

Inaccurate Printing

Why are print jobs rendered inaccurately?

There are two main reasons why EPOC print jobs are not rendered accurately by PsiFS:
  • The EPOC print job file format is not entirely understood. In particular the purpose of some common primitives is not known, so they are simply ignored.
  • The RISC OS graphics support does not match that of EPOC, especially when constrained to the features supported by Draw files. The most deficiency is the poor support for clipping.

The Psion Link Protocol document, available from the PsiFS web page, contains a description of the EPOC print job file format as currently understood. Please contact the author with any additions or corrections.

Print jobs can be annotated by adding the line PrintJobLogDebug=True to the PsiFS configuration file (either !Boot.Choices.PsiFS.Config or !PsiFS.Config.Config, depending upon the computer's configuration). This tags each rendered primitive with a list of the primitives that immediately precede it. The name of each primitive is prefixed by the file offset to that primitive in hexadecimal.

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