PsiFS: Frequently Asked Questions

SIS File Attributes

Why is the error Access denied displayed when attempting to install a SIS file?

The Add/remove function used to install SIS files on EPOC devices needs to be able to modify the file being installed. Hence, it is vital that the SIS file is not set to be read only, otherwise the Access denied error will be produced.

PsiFS attempts to preserve file attributes when they are copied. In particular, a file with L/, R/, or LR/ attributes under RISC OS will be set to read only when copied to an EPOC device. This is especially likely to occur if the file is copied from a read-only media such as CD-ROM.

Hence, it may be necesary to change the file's attributes once it has been copied. This may be done either from the RISC OS or EPOC computer:

  • Under RISC OS the appropriate attributes may be set by pressing Menu over the file in a filer window, moving over the File sub-menu, Access sub-sub-menu, and then selecting the Unprotected option.
  • Under EPOC the file properties are displayed by selecting Properties... from the File menu, or by pressing Ctrl-P. The Read-only option should be un-ticked, and the change confirmed by clicking on the OK icon or pressing Enter.

Alternatively, using PsiFS's own SIS file installer will avoid these problems.

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