PsiFS: SWI Calls


(SWI &520CA)
Claim an intercepted file type

On entry:R0 =the previously allocated pollword for this client
R1 =file type to intercept
R2 =mask of intercept types

On exit:Registers preserved

Interrupts:Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled

Processor mode:Processor is in SVC mode

Re-entrancy:SWI is not re-entrant

Use: This call allows file transfers within the desktop for the specified file type to be intercepted. The same pollword as returned by PsiFS_Register must be specified. The types of intercept to claim are specified by setting bits in the mask passed in R2:
BitIntercept claimed when set
0forced by user
1load from filer
2save to filer
3transfer between applications
4all opens from filer
5unclaimed opens from filer
6 ~ 31must be 0

If no bits are set in the mask then the intercept is released. Alternatively, all intercepts may be released by calling PsiFS_InterceptRelease or PsiFS_Unregister.

The user may force a file transfer intercept by pressing Left Alt or disable an intercept by pressing Right Alt.

PsiFS_InterceptPoll should be used to check for new intercepted file transfers when the poll word is non-zero.

Related SWIs:PsiFS_Register, PsiFS_Unregister, PsiFS_InterceptRelease, PsiFS_InterceptPoll, PsiFS_InterceptControl

Related vectors:None

[Contents] [Up] Copyright © Alexander Thoukydides, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002