PsiFS: SWI Calls


(SWI &520D1)
Obtain a character translation table

On entry:R0 =source character set
R1 =destination character set
R2 =pointer to 256 buffer to receive the translation table

On exit:Registers preserved

Interrupts:Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled

Processor mode:Processor is in SVC mode

Re-entrancy:SWI is not re-entrant

Use: This call construcst a translation table that can be used to convert between the two specified character sets.

The character sets can be any combination of:
Character setDescription
0RISC OS (Latin1)
1EPOC (code page 850)
2SIBO (Windows ANSI character set)

Indexing the resulting table by a character code from the source character set yields the corresponding character from the destination character set or 0 if the character is unmappable.

Related SWIs:None

Related vectors:None

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