PsiFS: *Commands


Read the contents of an EPOC SIS file

Syntax:*PsiFSSIS sis_file [[-dir] directory | -tar tar_file] [-scrap temp_file] [-language language] [-recurse] [-drive drive] [-residual residual_file] [-verbose]

Parameters:sis_file a valid pathname specifying an EPOC SIS file
directory a valid pathname specifying an output directory
tar_file a valid pathname specifying an output tar file
temp_file a valid pathname specifying a temporary file
language a two character language code
-recurse recursively process component SIS files
drive the letter of the installation disc drive, from A to Z
residual_file leafname for the residual SIS file
-verbose display a description of contents

Use: *PsiFSSIS reads the contents of an EPOC SIS file. This can either extract the files to a standard directory structure or to a tar file in fltar format; the latter is recommended to ensure that filenames are preserved. Note that this cannot be used for installing applications directly to a connected device.

A temporary file is required while processing the contents of the SIS file. If the -scrap switch is not specified then <Wimp$Scrap> is used.

The language code allows the installation language to be selected from those supported by the SIS file. If it is not specified then PsiFS attempts to make an intelligent choice. The possible codes are:
SFSwiss French
SGSwiss German
BLBelgian Flemish
BGBelgian French

SIS files may contain nested SIS files for shared components. These may be extracted recursively by specifying the -recurse switch. If this is not done then the nested files are extracted unmodified. The same language and drive options are used for all components.

Some SIS files allow the installation drive to be selected. If no installation drive is specified using the -drive switch then PsiFS will default to drive C.

When a SIS file is installed on an EPOC device a residual SIS file is created in the C:\System\Install directory. *PsiFSSIS will generate the residual SIS if the -residual switch is used. The leafname of the residual SIS file and installation drive must both be specified.

The -verbose switch enables display of detailed information about the SIS file. This is recommended to enable checking of requisites prior to attempting an installation.

Example:*PsiFSSIS File/sis
Describe contents of file/sis
*PsiFSSIS File/sis
-tar Output
-scrap ScrapFile
-language FR
-recurse -drive D
-residual File/sis
Recursively extract to a tar file for installation on drive D in French

Related commands:*PsiFSTar

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