PsiFS: *Commands


Read the contents of a tar file

Syntax:*PsiFSTar tar_file [object_spec [directory]] [-verbose]

Parameters:tar_file a valid pathname specifying a tar file
object_spec a wildcard specification for matching against
directory a valid pathname specifying a directory
-verbose display a list of matching objects

Use: *PsiFSTar reads the contents of a tar file. All of the variants supported by SparkFS are handled, including arctar, comma, fltar and unix. However, this command is intended solely to allow restoration of backup files produced by PsiFS.

The default pattern is *, which will match all objects within the source file. The default directory is @, which corresponds to the current directory.

The -verbose switch displays a listing of the matching files contained within the source file. If this switch is used without specifically specifying a directory then no files will be extracted from the tar file.

Example:*PsiFSTar Backup
Display a listing of all files in Backup
*PsiFSTar Backup
*/txt PsiFS::Internal.$
Restore all files with a txt extension to their original directories on the Internaldrive

Related commands:*PsiFSSIS

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