PsiFS: Getting Started

Restoring Backups

Restoring Backups

PsiFS does not offer a restore option for backup files. Instead, it stores the backups in tar files, using the fltar RISC OS variant to preserve attribute and date stamps accurately. This allows any software that can handle these files to be used for restoring a backup.

Finding the Backup Files

The directory containing the backup files is specified within the main PsiFS configuration. This directory contains sub-directories based on the original name given to the backup.

The easiest way to find the appropriate directory is to ensure that a connection has been established, and that the SIBO or EPOC drive icon for the appropriate drive is visible. Open the backup control window by selecting Backup... from the iconbar icon menu, and then click on the Open button. This will open a filer window showing all of the backup files for that disc.

The most recent backup file is called Backup, with older backups named either Full-1, Full-2 etc, or Changes-1, Changes-2 etc. The number and type of files depend on the backup options set for the disc.

Extracting Files

Any tool that can correctly handle tar files using the fltar RISC OS variant may be used to extract files from a PsiFS backup. To restore a backup simply copy the files back to their original drive.

The recommended tool is David Pilling's !SparkFS. However, only recent versions are suitable; early versions interpret the filenames incorrectly. Another good tool is Frank Lancaster's public domain command line tar utility.

As a last resort, PsiFS provides a *PsiFSTar command to allow files to be listed or extracted from backups. However, this is not very friendly or versatile, so other options should be tried first.

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